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When tamariki/children attend Busy C’s Preschool one of our kaiako/teacher's take primary responsibility for forming rich, positive relationships with them and their family/whānau, to work in partnership to promote positive learning outcomes for the tamariki . They will help settle the tamariki and encourage a strong sense of belonging for both tamariki and whānau. Kaiako will discuss tamariki’s interests, routines and individual requirements, and will take primary responsibility to gather whānau aspirations for their tamariki and work collaboratively around planning their learning pathway. They are primariliy responsible for ensuring the documentation of Learning Stories in the tamariki's individual profile books, and on Educa, our online portfolio system for each child. The preschool primary kaiako is the main person to communicate any information, queries, ideas or concerns.

Settling in to a new and unfamiliar environment can be challenging for tamariki (and their whānau). Please discuss this with us, we understand and are there to support. In our experience the following suggestions can be helpful during the settling in process: 

  • Visit and spend some time at the centre with your tamariki before they start. This gives them a chance to familiarize themselves with the surroundings and see you happily interacting with the kaiako and the other tamariki.

  • Spend time getting to know your child's primary kaiako. 

  • If possible, spend some time with your child as they settle into an activity. When you are ready it may help to hand your child to a trusted kaiako for a cuddle and support as you leave.

  • Once you do decide to go, say goodbye and leave. Frequent coming and going is confusing and unsettling for tamariki and can increase their anxiety. (You are welcome to phone soon after you leave) 

  • Talk with your child's primary kaiako about activities, special toys and interests your child has that may ease their settling in.

  • You are welcome to contact us at any time to ask how your child is going.




Bookings are recorded on the back of the enrolment form and should be updated whenever booking requirements change.

  • Please provide a minimum of 1 weeks notice for planned absences, holidays or changes to the booking schedule. 

  • If notice is given a 50% holding fee will be charged, however if tamariki are absent without notice full fees will apply. 

  • A minimum of 2 weeks notice is needed when terminating a booking. 


Please contact the preschool before 08.30am if tamariki are going to be absent from their booked session. It is important that tamariki are not sent to the preschool ill, or with a contagious or notifiable disease (e.g. conjunctivitis, campylobacter) as we are unable to accept them. Refer to Sickness & Infectious Diseases Policy. 

Please note that full fees will be charged if tamariki are absent, unless we have been notified of their absence at least 1 week in advance. If tamariki hold a permanent booking with us we will endeavor to offer make up sessions within two weeks of their absence, as space allows. 


If tamariki become unwell during the session we will attempt to contact the parent/whānau immediately to come and collect them. If unable to contact whānau, we will try the ‘Emergency Contacts’ listed on the tamariki ’s enrolment form. 

Accidents are recorded in the Accident and Illness register and a note is made in the comments section of the sign in book as a reminder for parents/whānau to sign the register to show they have been informed.


Please refer to our Accident and Illness Policy for more information.


Please provide your tamariki with a clearly labeled bag for their clothes and belongings while attending the centre.

Please also provide at least one clearly labeled complete change of clothing for your tamariki. Clearly labeling clothes really helps reduce lost property, and the inevitable and time consuming hunt for clothes and shoes at the end of the day.

Please ensure that your tamariki attend preschool with suitable clothing for messy play and for the season / weather:

In the summer please provide your tamariki with a named sunhat. Refer to the Sun Safety Policy.


In winter please provide your tamariki with a warm hat, jacket and appropriate foot wear. 

A lost property basket is kept inside the door. Please check this basket regularly for your tamariki's belongings. 



If your child attends Busy C’s over the lunch period please provide a healthy lunch for them in a named container(s). Suggestions for a ‘litterless lunchbox’ as well as some healthy nutritious food ideas can be found in our Food and Nutrition Policy. Please also provide a named drink bottle or cup for your tamariki. We recommend water for drinking and will ensure drinking water is always available. 

We ask that you do not bring nuts and nut products to the centre as some children attending may experience severe allergic reactions when exposed to such products.

If your tamariki has any specific dietary requirements or food allergies please make a note of them on your tamariki’s enrolment form and let the kaiako know. 


Nappies are checked at regular intervals throughout the day and are changed as necessary. All nappy checks are recorded in the change sheet located in the nappy changing room. Please do not hesitate to discuss any queries or concerns regarding your tamariki’s toileting with kaiako. 

Please provide enough nappies for your tamariki’s day at the centre – additional nappies are available and there will be a charge of $2.00 for each nappy used. If your tamariki wear cloth nappies please ensure that they are lined. Cloth nappies will be placed in a bag for you to take home and launder. 






Monday - Friday

$ 286.00

1/2 DAY PM

1:00 - 5:30

or part of

 $ 41.00


7:30am - 5:30pm

or part of

$ 68.50


9:00am - 3:00pm

$ 59.00

1/2 DAY AM

7:30 - 12:30

or part of

 $ 43.00


Hourly rate

$ 14.00

All fees are to be paid in advance and are inclusive of GST


20 ECE hours per week (maximum 6 hours per day) funded by the government are available to 3 & 4 year olds if the relevant sections on the enrolment form are filled in.

Subsidies are available from WINZ subject to criteria, please refer to



We understand that sometimes unforeseen circumstances mean that you cannot pick up your tamariki within their booked session time. If this is the case it is important that you contact the centre to let someone know as soon as possible. 

Busy C's is governed by legal regulations relating to adult:child ratios. This means that depending on the number of tamariki present at the centre we may not legally be able to accept tamariki out of their booked hours. Should this be the case, you would need to make alternative arrangements for the collection of your tamariki.

If it is possible for your tamariki to stay late at the preschool there will be an additional charge:

Within the hours of 7.30am - 5.30pm the standard hourly rate of $12.00 will be charged

After 5.30pm (when the centre officially closes) you will charged a late fee at the rate of $5.00 / 5 minutes.



If you would like your tamariki to celebrate their Birthday at Busy C’s please let us know in advance. You are most welcome to bring celebration food, and join us to recognise their special day with a get together and a song or two. Please be aware that any food you bring in to share should be free from nuts and nut products as these products can cause severe allergic reactions in some tamariki. Our ECE regulations require the preschool have documented all food the preschool serves to the tamariki. Please supply either the recipe/ingredients, or the ingredients list cut from the packaging if shop bought. For some ideas for healthy celebration food please talk to any of the Busy C’s kaiako.



For tamariki transitioning to school/kura they will have a special leaving celebration where they receive their Personal Profile Book(s), a decorated "wand", and a potted plant (strawberry, when in season). We will also share special memories of the tamariki’s time at Busy C’s and sing some of their favourite songs.

For tamariki leaving Busy C’s during their preschool years, there will be a presentation of their Personal Profile Book(s) and some songs. Whānau are most welcome to request special celebrations (e.g. cultural) and discuss arrangements with Busy C’s kaiako to ensure the occasion is a positive one for the entire preschool community.




We believe the well-being of tamariki is interdependent with the well-being and culture of the whānau, and the preschool learning community. As such, open communication and consultation (both formal and informal) are vital to our programme. We are committed to establishing a positive reciprocal relationship with each of the tamariki and their whānau to enable us to work in partnership for the benefit of the tamariki. Our primary kaiako system is designed to facilitate this process, and your tamariki’s preschool primary kaiako is your first port of call for sharing information, and any questions or concerns. 

We recognise that whānau live busy lives, and that their tamariki's primary care kaiako may not always be available when needed. Whānau are welcome to email or talk to the Head Kaiako, or another kaiako at any time or to request that their primary kaiako contact them. At Busy C's we also have a number of other communication methods:

  • Your tamariki's individual Profile Books (hard copy) and their online password protected Educa portfolios document their learning pathway. You are encouraged to comment, add stories, photos and artworks in support of this.

  • Regular newsletters and/or Educa messages are sent via email providing whānau with updates and information on centre happenings.

  • Busy C's policies are found on Educa. They are regularly reviewed and we welcome your input. Copies are also available at Busy C's.

  • Kaiako use notices on the front door and the chalk board at the preschool entrance to share information.

  • Programme planning boards located around the centre detail individual learning stories and group projects that have been taking place recently.

  • We have a board displaying our Learning Priorities, and an Ako board which is updated regularly to show examples of tamariki both teaching and learning (ako).

  • Parent / whānau information evenings are held throughout the year. They cover a wide range of topics and we welcome any suggestions from parents.

  • We have an annual Whānau Questionnaire that we value for centre feedback, and this information helps inform our Annual and Strategic Plans.

  • Nappy changing, toileting and sleeping schedules are located in the nappy changing room and over twos wharepaku/toilet area. They are available for parents to view each day.

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